4 octobre 2016
RPA – Robotics and Processus Automation event
EOA France has chosen the theme Robotics and Process Automation for the October 27th Round Table Event. RPA has become a leading line of thought within the association as it is now offers such strong performance leverage, across an ever widening range of processes in business and administrative activities.
RPA enables computer programmes operating as « robots » to capture and interpret messages from users and initiate a transaction or manipulate data in order to produce a logical result.
All organisations – enterprises, administrations – are concerned, in areas such as finance, goods ordering, human resources, marketing… Professional services are already integrating RPA in their activities and generating significant improvements in efficiency and speed of response, dealing with ever complex information.
RPA introduces a major challenge for service providers, as the cost of an automated process is estimated at one third of the cost of a « low cost » operator. The « offshoring » business model is under threat.
RPA also offers higher levels of reliability, particularly in mundane repetitive tasks.
The arrival of large-scale RPA leads us to pose the following questions :
- Will it accelerate the development of Shared Service Centres in France?
- Will the impact on employment be as severe as the tsunami in our invitation?
- Will RPA really be limited to simple tasks or will we see impact on more sophisticated activities such as those in management accounting, legal, marketing, …?
- What innovations should we expect from leading service providers and software editors in the RPA area?
EOA France, in partnership with Accenture, Everest Group and Redwood Robotics, invite you to attend a Round Table on 27th Octobre 2016 from 8h15 to 10h15 to hear about RPA projects at the Dutch telecoms operator KPN. Our speaker, Mariska Houwen, is in charge of automation projects at KPN.
Our panel of speakers:
- Mariska Houwen – Automation Project Lead, KPN – who will describe her experience and demonstrate the possibilities of RPA across a range of projects.
- Sarah Burnett – Vice Président, Everest Group – will introduce the subject of RPA and its uptake across Europe. Sarah will give us her insight into the development of RPA in the near future.
- Michael Cable – Chief Evangelist, Redwood Robotics – will present practical case studies of RPA introduction on financial processes, often in Shared Service environments.
- Eric Rigal – Executive Directeur, Accenture – will provide details on the implementation of RPA in the BPO operations at Accenture.
The Round Table will be moderated by Patrick Giry-Deloison – member of the EOA France board.
Venue : Immeuble Axe France – 118, avenue de France, 75013 Paris.
Doors open from 8h00.
N.B. Speakers will deliver in French and / or English.
To discover more on Robotics and Process Automation:
- Robotics Process Automation – the future of technology in financial services
- GA-ASI Implements State-of-the-Art Software to Enhance Quality and Customer Service
Everest Group
- Harnessing Enterprise-wide Automation Competency in a Center of Excellence
- Clever Machines at Your Service
- Service Delivery Automation (SDA) – Technology Provider Profile Compendium
Redwood Robotics
Our sponsors